Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tuesday: 9/17/13

The Economy

The Overview

The latest economic reports aren't terrible, but they're far from great.  "The poverty rate held steady at 15%, the same rate as 2011; the real median household income was also unchanged, at about $51,000. Thus, the good news ... is that for the first year since the great recession hit, things aren’t getting worse. The bad news is that three years into an economic recovery, they’re not getting better either. Yes, the economy has expanded over these past few years, but to use a seasonal analogy, today’s report is yet another piece of evidence that this growth has once again done an end run around middle and lower income households on its way to the top of the scale."  Jared Bernstein at On the Economy.

How Americans spent their money in 2012, with lots of charts, of course!  Derek Thompson at the Atlantic.

Inequality - blame the GOP.  "Because the GOP militates incessantly to lower taxes and reduce government benefits, the president is quite right to say that their policies would accelerate inequality. This is most obviously true with regard to poverty programs ... Non-cash benefits like food stamps, rent subsidies, and ... the Earned Income Tax Benefit ... reduced poverty by eight percentage points between 1964 and 2011. If these programs hadn’t existed, inequality would have grown even faster ... Republicans deserve the lion’s share of the blame for the 1%’s appropriation of 95% of the financial recovery ... Inequality doesn’t just happen. Government policies can diminish it or exacerbate it."  Timothy Noah at MSNBC.

The average American family makes less today than they did in 1989.  "Headlines about these numbers tend to focus on how we have now experienced a lost decade for the middle-class American family, with incomes back to their late 1990s level. But as the chart shows it's really worse than that. In 1989, the median American household made $51,681 in current dollars (the 2012 number, again, was $51,017). That means that 24 years ago, a middle class American family was making more than the a middle class family was making one year ago. This isn't a lost decade for economic gains for Americans. It is a lost generation."  Neil Irwin at Wonkblog.

The recovery is still better for whites, Asians, and males.  "The data showed an economy that's just muddling along ... not improving at a fast enough clip to help alleviate poverty for millions of Americans ... The nation continues to see a sharp racial divide in the incidence of poverty. In 2012, the Census Bureau reported that the poverty rate was 27.2 percent among blacks and 25.6 percent among Hispanics. For non-Hispanic whites, the 2012 poverty rate was 9.7 percent. For Asians, it was 11.7 percent. The pay gap between men and women didn't budge either. The median income for women who worked full time, year round was $37,791, about 77 percent of the $49,398 that men earned."  Patrick Rizzo and Allison Linn at NBC.

More men are becoming stay-at-home dads.  "More dads than ever before—roughly 550,000 in the past decade and counting—are staying home full-time with their children. Compared with stay-at-home moms, these full-time fathers are older, less educated than their spouses and their households have significantly lower incomes, according to a new study of family structure and work trends."  Rich Morin at the Pew Research Center.

Food stamps - one of the best poverty prevention tools we have.  "More Census news! ... The income from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--commonly known as food stamps--pushed 4 million people above the official poverty line in 2012. That doesn't mean they're not still poor, of course, but it can sure help to not have to worry about going hungry all the time."  Lydia DePillis at Wonkblog.

Financial Reform

We still need more financial reform.  "The financial system is safer, and reforms are making a difference. But much more work remains to be done ... Short-term wholesale funding ... still poses the risk of runs throughout the financial sector, and money market funds are still susceptible to the ... runs that led to their 2008 bailout. Major questions about the ... U.S. housing finance system remain unanswered. There is a serious risk that a collective amnesia about ... the financial crisis will further weaken the resolve for reforms. The financial sector is still lobbying ... to block them. If we don't keep pushing, we could find ourselves wondering why we're in another crisis five years from now."  Michael Barr at Brookings.


Analyzing the effects of inflation on prices in the US, winners and losers.  "Surprise: inflation is still really, really low. The Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers rose only 1.5 percent over the last year, well below the 2.5 percent upper limit that the Federal Reserve has effectively set. Core inflation — that is, excluding food and energy, whose prices tend to be highly variable — rose 1.8 percent. But the picture gets less boring ... if you look at specific items."  Dylan Matthews at Wonkblog.


Obama just gave millions of home health workers a raise.  "There are ... about 2 million Americans who work as home health aides, providing medical assistance to the elderly and disabled. Today, the Obama administration gave them a raise. New regulations from the Department of Labor ... change federal minimum wage requirements to include home health workers, rather than exclude them, which has been the case for decades ... The Department of Labor rule today moves them out of that exemption, meaning ... minimum wage standards now apply, as do overtime regulations, which require companies to pay time-and-a-half for any hours worked beyond a 40-hour work week."  Sarah Kliff at Wonkblog.  

Why the new policy is a big deal.  Bryce Covert at Think Progress.


The Silicon Valley bootstraps myth is just that - a myth.  "It's an impressive tale that encapsulates the way Silicon Valley likes to think of itself: a pure meritocracy; a place where talent rises to the top regardless of social class, educational pedigree, race, nationality or anything else. Indeed, the notion that anyone with smarts, drive and a great idea can raise money and start a company is a central tenet of the Valley's ethos. Yet on close inspection, the evidence suggests that the keys to success ... A prestigious degree, a proven track record and personal connections to power-brokers are at least as important as a great idea. Scrappy unknowns with a suitcase and a dream are the exceptions, not the rule."  Sarah McBride at Reuters.

Middle East


We can all get along  "Of the 17 nations represented here, the main northern base for the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan, most were at war with at least one of the others at one time or another. There are troops here who tried hard to kill each other in the former Yugoslavia. Several who were rivals during the Cold War are present, as are forces that fought on opposite sides in both world wars. Some can trace their enmity back much further. Who, after all, could forget the war between Sweden and Norway in 1814? Well, apparently the Swedes and Norwegians can. And that’s one of the messages of this base, in a country where ethnic and tribal rivalries are a source of tension and violence."  Jay Price at McClatchy.


Egypt is a country divided - and nowhere is it more obvious than the capitals.  "In Cairo, where Islamists were always weakest, the security forces have ridden a wave of public approbation as they have moved quickly to impose a tight lockdown on street protests. Demonstrators opposing the new government are ever wary ... But in Minya, the provincial capital, the situation is so starkly inverted that a visitor might almost think that Mr. Morsi was still president of Egypt ... Any who disapprove hold their tongues, aware they are outnumbered. The security forces seldom venture beyond a tight ring of barbed wire and armored vehicles protecting the provincial headquarters."  David Kirkpatrick at the New York Times.


Are we actually seeing some progress on nuclear negotiations?  "In a potentially dramatic development, Iran is willing to close its uranium enrichment facility at Fordo in return for an easing of Western sanctions ... Der Spiegel reported Monday ... Iran’s new president, Hasan Rouhani, might consider closing down the heavily fortified Fordo facility, near the holy city of Qom, and allow international observers to supervise the destruction of the centrifuges, if the West were to lift the sanctions regime it has placed on Iran’s oil industry and central bank. Rouhani could make the offer later this month at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the report said."  Raphael Ahren at the Times of Israel.

Well, that ended quickly.  "Iranians lost unrestricted access to Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday almost before they knew they had it, leaving many people wondering whether the opening was deliberate or the result of some technical glitch. The Web sites had been blocked since huge antigovernment protests exploded after the disputed presidential election in 2009. But for almost a full day on Monday, jubilant Iranians were able to call them up without resorting to VPN software, which is illegal."  Thomas Erdbrink at the New York Times.


New Biblical town discovered.  "A town dating back more than 2,000 years has been discovered on the northwest coast of the Sea of Galilee, in Israel's Ginosar valley. The ancient town may be Dalmanutha ... described in the Gospel of Mark as the place Jesus sailed to after miraculously feeding 4,000 people by multiplying a few fish and loaves of bread, said Ken Dark, of the University of Reading in the U.K., whose team discovered the town during a field survey."  Owen Jarus at LiveScience.


What you need to know about Syria's chemical weapons.  "Syria is thought to have one of the world's largest stockpiles of chemical weapons. Those weapons have recently been used against Syrian civilians ... So it's worth taking a step back to understand the weapons that have become so central to the Syrian crisis and how they work. This infographic ... is a great introduction. The infographic explains what chemical weapons do to people ... and how they're delivered. It also explains how chemical weapons are destroyed – a crucially important subject now that the U.S. and Russia have agreed in principle to a deal to remove Syria's chemical weapons outright."  Max Fisher at the Washington Post.

The latest evidence points to Assad, not the rebels, carrying out chemical weapons attacks.  Surprise, surprise.  "Details ... point ... at elite military formations loyal to President Bashar al-Assad ... The inspectors ... listed the precise compass directions of flight for two rocket strikes that appeared to lead back toward the government’s elite redoubt in Damascus, Mount Qasioun ... where his Republican Guard and the army’s powerful Fourth Division are entrenched ... Rebel forces have never penetrated the major military installations of Mount Qasioun ... They would almost certainly have been unable to organize and fire sustained and complex barrages of rockets from that location undetected."  C.J. Chivers at the New York Times.

Remember - destroying chemical weapons requires boots on the ground.  "Securing chemical weapons in Syria will require boots on the ground ... In the midst of a raging civil war, dismantling chemical weapons is practically impossible. 'We’re talking boots on the ground,' a former United Nations weapons inspector from Iraq bluntly told the New York Times. 'We’re not talking about just putting someone at the gate. You have to have layers of security.' ... The only feasible way to keep those weapons out of the hands of militants or rogue elements within the Assad regime is — again — through troops."  Joshua Foust.


Reid refuses to bring a background check bill up for a Senate debate - concedes he doesn't have the votes.  "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Tuesday gun control legislation doesn’t have the votes to be approved by the Senate. Reid said he, as a result, has no plans to bring a gun control bill to the floor in the wake of a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard during which a gunman killed 12 people."  Alexander Bolton at the Hill.

Half of the deadliest shootings in US history have occurred during the past six years. (Chart)  Laura Conway at Maddowblog.

Gun safety laws are still mostly wishful thinking.  Because 'Murica.  "So long as a powerful minority of Americans think the individual right to bear arms—any arms—trumps every consideration of public policy, and is the Crown Jewel of the Bill of Rights, and is our bulwark against tyranny—it won’t much matter. Hundreds dead, thousands dead, tens of thousands dead—it’s all irrelevant ... No, rational arguments and conventional politics may never prevail against people who will look you right in the eye and tell you they need to be heavily armed in case it becomes necessary in their view to overthrow the government and impose their will on you."  Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly.

Judging by the past, interest in gun control after the Navy Yard shooting will quickly disappear. "In the aftermath of Monday’s deadly rampage at Washington’s Navy Yard, gun control will no doubt surge back into the news. But how long will it stay there? If the months since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre are any indication, the media are likely to lose interest quickly – unless gun control makes its way back onto the legislative agenda. As has been documented elsewhere, news coverage after mass shootings follows a pattern. In a shooting’s immediate wake, gun control coverage spikes, before receding back into relative obscurity."  Danny Hayes at the Monkey Cage.

The Navy Yard shooting won't change anything.  "Comparisons between the attack last December at Sandy Hook Elementary and Monday’s violence in Washington present the White House and gun control advocates with a stark question and a grim reality: If the murder of 20 first graders in their Connecticut grade school wasn’t enough to pass a bill, how likely is it the deaths of 12 adults at a Navy base change the result? The latest tragedy is all too fresh, but the politics are the same."  Josh Gerstein at Politico.



Texas, caught red-handed lying about the dangers of abortion. "Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) and his Republican allies ... launched an aggressive legislative campaign against reproductive rights over the summer, including measures intended to close the vast majority of clinics where reproductive services are provided. Proponents of the policies said the measures were necessary in order to protect public safety ... State inspection records ... turned up little evidence to suggest the facilities were putting patients in imminent danger ... Republican officials swore up and down this was about 'safety' concerns at health clinics. The evidence clearly suggests otherwise."  Steve Benen at Maddowblog.


Benghazi could maybe be a kinda legitimate issue.  Except not. "So the Obama administration, which ... decimated al-Qaeda with drone strikes, is now in cahoots with the terrorist network? Sorry, Congressman. I’ve got an appointment back on Earth. It’s a pity that those seeking answers on Benghazi can’t focus on what really matters ... Instead, the Benghazi scandal-seekers are determined to link Hillary Clinton to the inadequate security at the diplomatic outpost ... and the bogus 'talking points' presented by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in the days after the attack (as though more accurate talking points might have retroactively saved lives)."  Dana Milbank at the Washington Post.


The Colorado flood has now claimed eight lives.  "An eighth person in Colorado has died and more than 600 people are unaccounted for in the ferocious flooding and relentless rain ravaging communities across the state, according to officials."  Anthony Castellano and Alexis Shaw at ABC.


The drone base in a box.  "Drone bases, they can pop up anywhere nowadays. The U.S. Air Force's special operations command now has mini bases for drones that can be packed in a cargo plane and transported anywhere in the world, launching unmanned missions within four-hours of arrival ... A typical base includes two partially dismantled MQ-1 Predator drones, plus the Hellfire missiles and fuel ... The base also has two tents: one to shelter the drones and another to house the bank of computers that serves as the drones' cockpit ... All told, 18 cargo pallets and 32 people constitute the base in a box."  John Reed at Killer Apps.


Midterms 2014 - nobody knows what's coming.  "There were two competing narratives about ... next year’s midterm elections ... One narrative was that the challenges facing the Republican Party in 2012 ... would simply flow into the next election cycle. The other narrative was that President Obama and Democrats would confront the same challenges that commonly face presidents and their party in second terms ... The problem with that theory is that, at least for now, both narratives seem to be happening simultaneously. The GOP’s brand is showing no sign of recovering from what led to the party’s thumping in 2012, and second-term fatigue does seem to be plaguing Democrats."  Charlie Cook at the National Journal.

But Obama's approval ratings might be bad news for Dems.  "President Obama's standing with the American people is flagging ... It does matter – Obama's approval rating can greatly affect the 2014 midterm elections ... and the historical odds of it recovering much seem to be slim. In midterms, electorates often take out their frustration with the president on the their party's congressional members. A poor presidential approval rating will only add to that frustration. A president likely needs an approval rating in the mid 60s, like Bill Clinton in 1998 and George W Bush in 2002, to avoid the curse of 'midterm loss'."  Harry Enten at the Guardian.

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn just caught a huge break.  "How is Pat Quinn this lucky? The Democratic Governor of Illinois might have the lowest approval rating in the country ... He drew a primary challenge from former White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley ... But now, Daley’s out of the picture ... Illinois is such a Democratic state that Quinn has a shot ... A clear Democratic field will make it even easier for Quinn to consolidate Democratic support and raise money. And if he can do so, that would give America’s least popular governor a real chance to win reelection."  Nate Cohn at the New Republic.

Federal Reserve

Janet Yellen is the new frontrunner for Fed Chair.  "The White House certainly isn't discouraging anyone from thinking that Janet Yellen will be their pick to chair the Federal Reserve. 'Officials close to the White House' tell the New York Times that Yellen is now the frontrunner. 'Senior administration officials' tell the Wall Street Journal that the process isn't starting over and no new names have been added to the list. This is consistent with what the White House has said all along: Summers is their first choice, but Yellen is an excellent choice."  Ezra Klein and Evan Soltas at Wonkblog.

Yellen vs Kohn is the new Summers vs Yellen.  Neil Irwin at Wonkblog.

Fiscal Fights

These fights are a legitimacy crisis.  "Presidential systems of government are more likely to incur ... crises ... that can arise whenever the legislature and the president come from different parties ... Each side has an incentive to escalate its claim and attempt to seize more power. The incipient showdown in Washington is a form of this underlying tension ... Since taking control of the House ... a coterie of Republicans has challenged this informal approach. Their belief is that the absence of cooperation should lead not to stalemate but to the president bending to their will. That assumption implies a delegitimization of the presidency that Obama has come to understand, belatedly, that he can’t accept." Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine.

When the unreasonable become even less reasonable.  "Last year, the House of Representatives demonstrated an understanding that austerity could go too far when it rejected the extreme Republican Study Committee budget. Senate Democrats now accept spending levels in line with previous Ryan budgets, and the federal budget is stable over the medium term. Despite all that, House Republican leaders are demanding a new round of discretionary spending cuts."  Harry Stein at the Center for American Progress.

Toto, we're not in 1995 anymore.  "Put it all together, and it makes this fall very different from 1995. It still doesn't mean that we won't get a shutdown...plenty of factors make it hard to make a deal, even if leaders on both sides want one. But in 1995 Republicans sprinted off the cliff, following and in many cases believing a leader who promised them they could float on air. That's not where they are this time."  Jonathan Bernstein at A Plain Blog About Politics.

And we're probably heading for a shutdown.  "In what would be a dramatic change of course, House Republican leaders are considering a strategy of risking a government shutdown at the end of this month if Obamacare isn't defunded. In the weekly conference meeting ... GOP leaders intend to propose a continuing resolution to keep the federal funded beyond Sept. 30 but strip out funding for Obamacare ... Senior Republicans know the strategy is a nonstarter in the Democratic-led Senate ... The proposal, if House Republicans decide to run with it, would spur a standoff that significantly raises the prospects of a shutdown at the end of the month."  Sahil Kapur at Talking Points Memo.

The far right is crazy - and fired up.  "As the deadline to fund the federal government nears, Republican leaders are struggling ... to come up with legislation that can pass the House ... They blame the conservative movement’s cottage industry of pressure groups. But these organizations ... aren’t worried ... Business has boomed since the push to defund Obamacare caught on. Conservative activists are lighting up social media, donations are pouring in, and e-mail lists are growing. For the tea-party coalition and its leaders, it’s a triumphant return to power inside the Beltway."  Robert Costa at the National Review.

Foreign Policy

Americans can agree that they like diplomacy as Plan A - but they can't agree on Plan B.  Let's see how this goes...  "Two new polls out this week shows strong support among Americans for the U.S. to pursue a diplomatic track in dealing with Syria’s chemical weapons. A Washington Post/ABC News poll released on Tuesday found that 79 percent of respondents support the recent U.S-Russian deal to place the Syrian government’s chemical weapons stockpiles under international control ... Forty-four percent said Congress should authorize force if diplomacy fails, while 48 percent said it should not."  Ben Armbruster at Think Progress.

Particularly given that this Russia deal may not solve anything.  "The Obama administration's plan to get rid of Syria's chemical weapons depends on President Bashar al-Assad letting international inspectors into his country -- and standing by as they destroy the deadly agents in his arsenal. But former high-ranking U.S. intelligence officials -- as well as Syria experts -- doubt that Assad has any intention of doing this. And ... the daunting weapons-removal plan ... will take months if not years to complete ... Now, amid a pause in U.S. military action, Assad has the time and a reason to hide his arsenal or spirit pieces of it out of the country."  Shane Harris at the Cable.

Obama to increase chemical weapons assistance.  "President Obama ... cleared the way for the U.S. to send chemical weapons-related assistance to the Syrian opposition ... The authorization ... signaled that the U.S. was at least preparing for the possibility that the deadly gases might be used again. The White House said the non-lethal assistance could fall into three categories: — Chemical weapons-related 'personal protective' equipment to international organizations working in Syria ... — Medical assistance to strengthen local Syrian health care providers ... — Defensive chemical weapons training and protective equipment to vetted members of the Syrian opposition."  Associated Press.


Good news!  "The share of Americans without health insurance fell for a second straight year, the Census Bureau announced today. The data suggest that gains in children’s coverage and private coverage among the non-elderly, as well as greater enrollment in Medicare, are the key contributors ... The 8.9 percent uninsured rate among children is a historic low and 25 percent below the 1999 level (see graph). Studies show that health coverage not only improves children’s health but also helps them succeed in school by improving attendance and increasing attentiveness."  Matt Broaddus at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

And some pretty bad news.  "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has just published a first-of-its-kind assessment of the threat the country faces from antibiotic-resistant organisms ... The agency’s overall — and, it stressed, conservative — assessment of the problem: Each year, in the U.S., 2,049,442 illnesses caused by bacteria and fungi that are resistant to at least some classes of antibiotics; Each year, out of those illnesses, 23,000 deaths ... $20 billion each year in additional healthcare spending; And ... an additional $35 billion lost to society in foregone productivity. 'If we are not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era,' Dr. Tom Frieden, the CDC’s director, said."  Maryn McKenna at Wired.

The absence of rate shock.  "Despite Republican claims of soaring insurance costs and 'sticker shock' once Americans see their bills under Obamacare, the truth is most of the uninsured will get affordable plans. Oh, and as to fear-mongering about people who already have insurance seeing their rates rise? The Rand Corp. studied that question and found premiums at small companies – the most likely to be affected by Obamacare regulations – are coming down. Workers at firms with fewer than 100 employees will pay almost 6 percent less in 2016 than if the law hadn’t passed."  Joan Walsh at Salon.

Yes, the Affordable Care Act is unpopular.  No, that does not automatically mean that sabotage is popular.  "Although a majority disapproves of the Affordable Care Act, few Americans support Republican attempts to mess it up. According to Pew, about half of disapprovers, or 27 percent of the public ... say elected officials who oppose the law 'should do what they can to make the law work as well as possible,' while 23 percent of the public holds the nihilistic view that they 'should do what they can to make the law fail.' In other words, health care reform isn’t popular, but sabotage is less popular." Juliet Lapidos at Taking Note.

Some ACA opposition is on principle - some people just want cash.  "'Much of movement conservatism is a con and the base are the marks.' Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting the anti-Obamacare hysterics are entirely a fundraising scam -- congressional Republicans are dominated by truly radical ideologues, many of whom are entirely sincere in their inexplicable beliefs. For these extremists, financial motivations matter, but undermining President Obama and preventing struggling Americans from receiving publicly subsidized health care coverage matters more. But to overlook the dollar signs in conservative leaders' eyes is to miss the whole picture."  Steve Benen at Maddowblog.


Obama refuses to use executive action to expand the deportation freeze to parents of children brought to the United States illegally.  "President Barack Obama said Tuesday that it is 'not an option' for his administration to take executive action to freeze the deportations of parents of children brought to the United States illegally, a move that immigrant rights advocates have pushed him to take if Congress fails to pass immigration reform ... Obama said the legal underpinning of a 2012 executive action to defer deportations for those brought to the United States as children was 'absolutely right' but that expanding exemptions to a larger population of undocumented immigrants would go too far."  Carrie Dann at NBC.

The Navy Yard Shooting

Aaron Alexis had a history of mental illness and misconduct.  "The shooter in Monday’s Washington Navy Yard rampage had a history of mental illness and was treated at two Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals after saying he was hearing 'voices' ... More details also emerged about Alexis’s ... career as a Navy reservist ... marked by repeated run-ins with his military superiors and the law ... Alexis was cited at least eight times for misconduct for offenses as minor as a traffic ticket and showing up late for work but also as serious as insubordination and disorderly conduct ... Alexis also had an angry streak that flared often enough to create an arrest record in three states."  Sari Horwitz, Craig Whitlock, and Jerry Markon at the Washington Post.

How Aaron Alexis got his security clearance.  "The official said the Navy did a background check on Alexis when he enlisted ... He received a 'secret' clearance ... after completing an SF-86, the lengthy government-wide form that requires applicants to disclose if they have criminal convictions, financial problems, or ongoing treatment for mental issues unrelated to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Alexis didn't have any of those issues to disclose ... A service member would normally need to be convicted of a crime, not simply arrested, to lose his or her clearance. Alexis, for all of his troubles with the law, was never tried or convicted."  Yochi Dreazen at Foreign Policy.

The Navy's background check system is atrocious. "The Navy, in an attempt to cut costs, had let down its guard in vetting contractors for access to at least 10 military bases ... It's ... surprising that we haven't seen more tragedies because of the spotty background checks that resulted from the lapse. Here's what happened in a nutshell: In 2010 through 2012, the Navy outsourced out its ID processes to an Oregon-based company ... performing contractor background checks using public records -- which weren't always 'up to date, complete, accurate, or available' ... The Navy allowed those background checks to take the place of its standard vetting process for Department of Defense employees."  Lydia DePillis at Wonkblog.

New York

Well, you don't see this every day.  "The U.S. government is set to seize a Manhattan skyscraper that prosecutors say is secretly owned and controlled by the Iranian government. The 36-story tower is located on Fifth Avenue in the heart of New York City, adjacent to Rockefeller Center, and is home to a number of corporate tenants. Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said Tuesday that the seizure and sale of the property would be the government's largest-ever terrorism-related forfeiture. A federal judge authorized the seizure in a ruling this week, finding that the building's owners had violated federal money laundering laws and sanctions against Iran."  James O'Toole at CNN.


Congress can keep claiming that they didn't know what the NSA was up to - except they're lying.  "Congress has reenacted Section 215 despite being fully aware of how the government and the court have interpreted it. Prior to the ... reauthorization ... Congress received a report on the bulk collection program, which 'provided extensive and detailed information ... regarding the nature and scope of this Court’s approval of the implementation of Section 215 concerning bulk telephone metadata.' ... 'Each Member of Congress knew or had the opportunity to know how Section 215 was being implemented under this Court’s Orders.'"  Benjamin Wittes and Jane Chong at Lawfare.

This might be a surprise - but Section 215 is constitutional, as per current interpretation of the Fourth Amendment.  "If obtaining pen register information on one user is not a search, the obtaining that pen register information for 100 or 10,000 or 1,000,000 or more users is still not a search ... The Fourth Amendment protects 'people, not places,' and it’s not clear how surveillance that is not a search when provides information about one person can become a search when it provides information about many. To be sure, it’s possible to devise theories of the Fourth Amendment that would make that relevant, but it’s hard to get there just based on the conventional sources of existing appellate cases."  Orin Kerr at the Volokh Conspiracy.

Constitutional and legal, as per the FISA court.  "The legal analysis Judge Eagan endorsed echoes the basic arguments that the Obama administration has made in defending the program ... Phone call metadata — phone numbers, time and duration of calls, but not content — is not protected by Fourth Amendment privacy rights because it does not involve eavesdropping on the content of calls ... The government has legal authority to collect all calling records from phone companies under a provision of the Patriot Act that allows it to obtain business records deemed 'relevant' to an investigation."  Charlie Savage at the New York Times.

No telecom company has attempted to challenge the collection of phone records.  "No telecommunications company has ever challenged the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court's orders for bulk phone records under the Patriot Act, the court revealed on Tuesday ... Despite the 'lower threshold' for government bulk surveillance under Section 215 of the Patriot Act compared to other laws, the telephone companies who have received Fisa court orders for mass customer data have not challenged the law."  Spencer Ackerman at the Guardian.


Everything you need to know about the new Fourth Amendment cellphone search cases.  "The Supreme Court has been asked to consider two cases—United States v. Wurie and Riley v. California—which challenge the legality of warrantless cellphone searches under the Fourth Amendment. Police (and the Obama Administration) maintain that these searches are necessary, stopping suspects from deleting crucial information about drug deals and trafficking rings, but civil liberties advocates say that's no excuse for officers not to get a warrant. Here's everything you need to know about these searches, and whether the Supreme Court might stop them." Dana Liebelson at Mother Jones.

State Department

This is just priceless.  "This week, the Senate is poised to confirm Gregory Starr as the State Department's chief of diplomatic security ... But current and former State Department officials ... raised a string of fresh allegations against him. Among them: that the man who is supposed to oversee thousands of new security agents has shot himself in the foot. And not just figuratively ... 'Starr literally shot himself in the foot when drawing an unauthorized small caliber weapon out of his ankle holster,' said a current State Department official, referring to an incident in 1981. 'Mishandling of firearms is a big no no in the foreign service,' added a former DS official."  John Hudson at the Cable.

Voting Rights

In a rare instance, I actually agree with Rand Paul.  "There are nearly six million American citizens, disproportionately minorities, who are prohibited from voting today ... In a dozen states, people who have committed a felony ... don’t get their voting rights back after completing their sentence. One of those dozen is Kentucky, represented by ... Sen. Rand Paul ... Paul argued that felons who have served their sentences should get their voting rights restored. He rightly noted that one of every three adult black men are convicted felons ... Paul said he will push to reform felon disenfranchisement laws both in Washington D.C. and Kentucky."  Scott Keyes at Think Progress.



Syria negotiations continue at the UN.  "The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council met on Tuesday to negotiate a draft resolution that would hold Syria to its pledge of identifying all chemical weapons under government control for destruction, but diplomats said major differences over a draft quickly emerged ... Russia ... was resisting components of the draft ... that discuss the threat of force to ensure Syrian compliance, whether to condemn the Syrian government ... and whether suspected users should be referred to the International Criminal Court ... The discussions are unlikely to produce a quick resolution, the diplomats said, and it is unclear when a draft will be ready for a vote."  Rick Gladstone at the New York Times.

JPMorgan Chase to be fined in the 'London Whale' case.  "Authorities in the United States and Britain are set to hand down roughly $750 million in fines against JPMorgan Chase over the bank’s disastrous 'London Whale' trading losses last year ... The settlements could be announced as soon as this week ... It would resolve a majority of the investigations that were launched after JPMorgan revealed that its traders in London placed bad bets on credit derivatives that resulted in billions of dollars in losses. The bank may make a rare declaration of wrongdoing in its agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission."  Danielle Douglas and Dina ElBoghdady at the Washington Post.


High-tech poacher detection.  "The Kenyan Wildlife Service is gearing up to deploy satellite-linked cameras in the fight against wildlife poachers ... The cameras can weather the elements and survive contact with wildlife and can be hidden almost anywhere. They automatically upload near-real-time images ... to a mobile application that can be accessed from anywhere and helps identify the animals. Aside from better tracking and monitoring of wildlife populations, the system will assist with early warning and prosecution of poaching. This system of satellite cameras can help turn the tide in Kenya’s losing battle with wildlife trafficking."  Kelsey D. Atherton at Medium.

Rwanda's ruling party steamrolls their electoral competition.  "Rwanda's governing RPF party has won a resounding victory in parliamentary elections, securing 76% of the vote. The party of President Paul Kagame, which came to power after the genocide of 1994, won 40 of the 53 seats directly elected on Monday ... The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) government has been praised for maintaining stability and overseeing rapid economic growth since the slaughter of some 800,000 minority ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus. But President Kagame has been increasingly accused of ignoring human rights and stamping out any opposition. The RPF has kept its parliamentary majority but lost two seats."  BBC.

She turned me into a newt - real life edition.  Hilarity ensues.  "In 2009, a vigilante group showed up at a police station in the Kwara state of Nigeria with a black and white goat in tow. The goat, they said ... had stolen a car. A Mazda 323, to be exact. Well, not the goat exactly, but the man that had used black magic to turn himself into a goat in order to evade suspicion ... The police took the goat in ... In conflicting statements, one police spokesperson told the media that the goat was an 'armed robbery suspect' being held until the investigation was complete while another said that they were holding the unfortunate animal until it’s owner showed up to claim up it."  Andy Wright at the Modern Farmer.


An interactive guide to China's maritime disputes.  Council on Foreign Relations.

Let the balancing begin.  "Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera met with Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Defense Minister Phung Qugang Thanh in Hanoi Monday, agreeing to beef up bilateral defense cooperation with China's territorial claims over islands in mind."  Bernama.

The IAEA will be granted increased access to Myanmar.  "The U.N. nuclear watchdog will gain wider inspection powers in Myanmar under an agreement to be signed this week, in a further sign of the formerly army-ruled Asian state opening up to the outside world. Myanmar will sign the so-called Additional Protocol - which allows unannounced inspections outside of declared nuclear sites - with the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency on Tuesday, the Vienna-based IAEA said. The move will help to ease any lingering concern about Myanmar's nuclear ambitions."  Reuters.

The Philippines frees 80 people who were captured by Muslim rebels.  "The Philippine military ... rescued almost 80 of the 100 hostages being held by Muslim rebels, a major breakthrough in a battle that has paralyzed an important southern city for more than a week. Three soldiers were killed in the operation, in which 64 hostages were initially set free, with 14 others then managing to walk to freedom ... The standoff began when the insurgents ... tried to take control of City Hall and, the police said, declared an independent Islamic state. When the police tried to repel them, the insurgents took scores of hostages and retreated to other parts of the city."  The New York Times.


European nations to face new reparations demands as a result of the Atlantic slave trade.  "Politicians, lawyers and academics gathered Monday in St. Vincent & the Grenadines to advance an effort by more than a dozen regional nations to seek slavery reparations from three European countries that benefited from the Atlantic slave trade. The three-day conference is the first major step forward since the Caribbean Community announced in July that it intended to demand compensation for slavery and the genocide of native peoples from the governments of Britain, France and the Netherlands."  Associated Press.

Perhaps Putin should fix Russia's problems before criticizing the US.  "Russia is ... a nation in sad decline, and Mr. Putin is at least partly to blame. Arguably the worst social problem in the nation is alcoholism ... Nearly half a million Russians die annually from alcohol-related incidents ... Russia's life expectancy is relatively low ...  Russia is facing an enormous demographic crisis ... Russia also has an internationally renowned problem with orphans ... A statistical analysis showed rampant electoral fraud in recent Russian elections ... And journalists who are critical of the Kremlin ... have a habit of turning up dead. So, I think I speak on behalf of all Americans when I say, 'Spare us the moral lecture.'"  Alex Berezow at Real Clear World.

Greece is recovering slowly, but faster than expected.  "Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has said the debt-ridden country could return to pre-crisis living standards within six years. 'According to most [experts], we will not need a couple of decades, not a couple of generations, but only six years,' he said in a speech ... In rare good news for the economy, a finance ministry official told Reuters news agency the government expected its budget gap over 2015 and 2016 to be 'well below' 2% of GDP thanks to a strong tourism season this year."  BBC.

Oh come on...  "Serbia's government has introduced a controversial economic adviser whose financial gravitas is arguably matched only by the gravity of the sexual charges that have dogged him for the past two years. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the libidinous former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and onetime Socialist hope for the French presidency who's still facing charges at home of 'aggravated pimping,' told reporters at his introductory presser alongside Serbia's prime minister in Belgrade on September 17 that he's got 'no magic stick' for the Serbian economy ... It's an interesting choice of words for a man whose political ambitions were derailed by an attempted-rape allegation."  Andy Heil at Radio Free Europe.

South America

Brazil relations and the NSA.  "Brazil President Dilma Rousseff said Tuesday she has postponed a planned state visit to the United States over allegations that the National Security Agency has spied on her government ... Rousseff has said she wants an apology from Obama and the United States. The canceled state visit is the latest fallout from revelations about NSA surveillance programs that Obama and aides say are designed to prevent terrorist attacks."  David Jackson at USA Today.

Of course, Brazil also spies, making this whole outburst a load of nonsense.  "Rousseff claims the U.S. spying operation is so severe, it constitutes a violation of Brazil’s sovereignty. But really, why the uproar? ... Brazil, for example, operates its own massive domestic spying operation ... In 2008 ... Brazil’s intelligence agency, secretly recorded a conversation between Supreme Court president Gilmar Mendes and Sen. Demóstenes Torres ... In contrast to Brazil, the NSA has not committed any abuse on par with spying on the U.S. Supreme Court ... It’s hard to take Brazil’s protests seriously when its conduct toward its own citizens is not only similar, but actually far more violent."  Joshua Foust at Medium. 


Drug addicts are more 'rational' than you might expect. "Drugs weren’t so irresistible after all. 'Eighty to 90 percent of people who use crack and methamphetamine don’t get addicted,' ... 'The key factor is the environment...' 'The rats that keep pressing the lever for cocaine are the ones who are stressed out because they’ve been raised in solitary conditions and have no other options. But when you enrich their environment, and give them access to sweets and let them play with other rats, they stop pressing the lever.' ... 'Drugs don’t turn people into lunatics. They can stop using drugs when provided with alternative reinforcers.'" John Tierney at the New York Times.


The effect of US gun laws on violence in Mexico.  "Yesterday’s terrible events at the Navy Yard will undoubtedly light up debates again about a possible ban on assault weapons. This issue is relevant ... south of the border where U.S. gun laws are believed to be partially responsible for increases in homicides ... There is some solid social science evidence that the 2004 expiration of the U.S. Federal Assault Weapons Ban did have an effect on homicides in Mexico ... Homicides increased more in areas close to U.S. states that did not have a pre-existing ban than in California, which upheld its prior ban on assault weapons."  Erik Voeten at the Monkey Cage.


Voyager is on a new journey.  "Scientists analyzing a plasma signal from the craft announced Thursday that they believed Voyager 1 had entered interstellar space on Aug. 25, 2012. For the better part of this year, there had been substantial debate about whether the craft had passed that milestone. NASA now acknowledges that Voyager 1 exited the heliosphere. But if you are picky about your definition of leaving the solar system -- and astronomers tend to be -- you could say Voyager 1 has as much as 30,000 years of flight ahead of it before it will pass the Oort Cloud, a distant shell that is believed to be the birthplace of many comets."  Geoffrey Mohan at the LA Times.


Mapping 92 years of Sasquatch sightings in the US.  FlowingData.

What a weird place...  "While there are plenty of quirky offices around Washington, few can match ... the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, which advocates on behalf of pet ownership ... There is the coffee table reading material, which consists ... of ... such magazines as Practical Reptile Keeping. There are the bags of dog food lining the conference room ... There is the office rule: 'You have to sample the various dog foods ... before you start working ... PIJAC works Capitol Hill with one primary mission ... promoting pet ownership broadly but also some more specific issues, like the group’s latest effort to persuade Amtrak to allow pets on board."  Patrick Gavin at Politico.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Monday: 9/16/13

Federal Reserve

The list of Fed Chair candidates, after the exit of Larry Summers.  "The path for the next Fed chair seemed clear as recently as a week ago. Obama was inclined to appoint Summers. He would face some opposition in the Senate, but surmountable opposition. In the last seven days, as an appointment started to appear imminent, opposition to him started to galvanize, and Summers has elected to pull himself out of the running rather than put the president in a difficult spot. Now we get to see what direction the president wants to go now that his favored candidate is out of the picture."  Neil Irwin at Wonkblog.

Where does the power lie in the Fed confirmation fight?  "The last blow to Summers came from Senator Jon Tester, a centrist red state Democrat from Montana ... Two elements of Tester’s Friday afternoon statement opposing Summers are worth noting. First, the opposition to Summers went beyond coastal liberals who disagreed with his past stance on deregulation; Tester’s opposition reminds us of historical tension between the Main Street and Wall Street wings of the Democratic Party. Second, the close party ratio on the Banking panel places enormous leverage in the hands of its far left Democrats, including Senators Jeff Merkley, Elizabeth Warren, and Sherrod Brown."  Sarah Binder at the Monkey Cage.

Liberal Senate Dems taking on Wall Street.  "Wall Street, which has typically counted on the United States Senate to moderate public anger, found itself reckoning Monday with a new reality: A key Senate panel stacked with liberals immune to its blandishments. Larry Summers, a former top aide to Clinton and Obama who defended large financial institutions in the first years of the Obama Administration from lawmakers who would have seen them broken up, withdrew his bid to lead the Federal Reserve Sunday after failing to win over senators Sherrod Brown, Jeff Merkley, and Elizabeth Warren."  Matthew Zeitlin at Buzzfeed.

Markets rally after the contentious Summers nomination gets taken off the table.  "What was actually known about a Summers nomination was this: His Senate confirmation would have been polarizing and contentious, with the outcome in the air until the final vote count. And his views on monetary policy have largely been kept secret ... Both of those point to more uncertainty about the future under Summers than under Yellen, who would likely face a simpler confirmation process and has been crystal-clear in her views on monetary policy ... Markets are rallying because the prospect of months of being whipsawed by uncertainty over the Fed's future direction have diminished."  Neil Irwin at Wonkblog.

What qualities should we look for in the next Fed Chair?  Jared Bernstein at Economix.

Five reasons Janet Yellen should be Fed Chair.  Ezra Klein at Wonkblog.

Three reasons Christina Romer should be (but won't be) Fed Chair.  Matthew Yglesias at Slate.


The Affordable Care Act

The ACA wars rage on. "Obamacare has come to fill the place in the conservative psyche once occupied by communism and ... taxes ... The law has ... opened a fissure over the role of government deeper than any since the New Deal. Obamacare threatens America’s unique status among advanced economies as a country where access to regular medical care is a privilege that generally must be earned ... The Obamacare wars have progressed from the legislative to the judicial to the electoral fronts, gaining intensity at every step ... Obamacare will come online in the midst of an unprecedented quasi-campaign atmosphere, with Republicans waging a desperate political and cultural war to destroy it."  Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine.

No, not everyone wants to sabotage Obamacare.  "It continues to go overlooked in the Beltway argument over Obamacare, but one of the most fundamental factors shaping the politics of all of this is that disapproval of the Affordable Care Act does not ... translate into support for Republican efforts to undermine or sabotage the law. Republicans and conservatives constantly justify either their repeated votes to repeal the law, or ... to defund or delay it, by citing public dissatisfaction with it as proof the public supports their efforts. Yet there’s little to no polling evidence to suggest one translates into support for the other. Indeed, there’s evidence the opposite is true."  Greg Sargent at the Plum Line.

How to expand Medicaid while still denying it.  "So there’s considerable satisfaction ... at the news that embattled PA Governor Tom Corbett is reversing field and preparing to announce next week a plan to expand Medicaid coverage under the options offered by the Affordable Care Act, making the Keystone State the 27th to go along with this key provision of Obamacare ... Like other Republican governors who have gone in this direction, Corbett is at pains to deny he’s 'expanding Medicaid.' Oh no: he’s engaged in 'entitlement reform,' at the expense of the feds, of course."  Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly.

The ACA, employment, and the left-right divide. "Obamacare will also lead to big changes for workers ... Workers will find it easier to change jobs, and to enter and leave the labor force at will, without worrying that doing so will cause them to lose access to health insurance. In other words, Obamacare will tilt power in the labor market away from employers and toward employees. This is a big deal, and it's a sleeper issue that animates the left-right fight over Obamacare even though it is rarely discussed in the open."  Josh Barro at Business Insider.

Texas, the ACA, and the information gap.  "In 18 days, Americans will start signing up for medical coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s online exchanges ... You wouldn’t know it in Texas. Distrustful of the U.S. government, with a defiant and independent heritage, Texans are largely unsupportive of a law they little understand. While no state has a higher proportion of uninsured, the Republican governor, Rick Perry, has refused to help build or promote an insurance exchange in the state and he won’t expand Medicaid, the joint state-federal health plan for the poor, to care for more people."  Alex Wayne at Bloomberg.

Five questions explaining the union attacks on the ACA.  Brett Norman at Politico.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria need to be taken more seriously in health debates.  "Washington spends a lot more time arguing about how to finance health insurance than how to deliver health. But if you're securely in the middle class with employer-sponsored health insurance, these debates probably don't affect you much. What does affect you is the possibility of dying of a hospital-acquired superbug ... These kinds of quality issues get a lot less attention in the Beltway, but ... affect more people. And, in theory at least, preventing superbugs shouldn't be the kind of thing that Democrats and Republicans disagree over."  Ezra Klein at Wonkblog.



Reminder: It is 2013.  "University of Alabama ... officials are set to announce a deal that would clear the way for black women to be admitted to the school’s prestigious and historically white Greek organizations ... after a story last week in the school’s student newspaper ... about a highly qualified black student being denied a bid ... The young woman — who requested that her name not appear in the paper’s story — was reportedly blocked by alumnae. The sole reason, according to current sorority members: she was black. Another black woman was also denied a bid. Some alumnae even threatened to pull financial support from their sororities if they accepted black members."  Victor Luckerson at Time.  

The Economy

The new economic normal.  "According to ... the Bureau of Labor Statistics ... employers added 169,000 jobs in August, about the same monthly pace of job creation that has prevailed over the past three years. This pattern of modest growth is also reflected in ... the unemployment rate, which has steadily edged down from 8.1 percent in August 2012 to 7.3 percent last month ... These actions appear to reflect policymakers’ dramatically reduced expectations for what constitutes the new normal of economic recovery. The tepid jobs growth of the last five years has discouraged many workers, who have dropped out of the labor force altogether or chosen not to enter the job market in the first place."  Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney at Brookings

The five worst things about this last jobs report.  Ezra Klein at Wonkblog.

What we get wrong when we talk about the 'financial crisis.'  "The focus on Lehman obscures the fact that there were really three crises ... There was also the ongoing financial crisis that would have happened even if Lehman’s failure didn’t cause any troubles. Meanwhile, there’s still a crisis of confidence over whether or not our financial markets are actually benefiting the economy as a whole. This isn’t just academic. Emphasizing Lehman biases the conversation over financial reform in a subtle but powerful way. The implication is that if Dodd-Frank can prevent the events of fall 2008 from happening, then our work here is done. That view is dangerously wrong."  Mike Konczal at Wonkblog.

Poverty is projected to decrease as the recovery continues.  "Poverty rates will decline over the next ten years. Why? Because the unemployment rate is projected to decline over the next ten years. A more robust economy means more people joining the labor force and finding jobs, more hours and weeks worked, and higher earnings ... As our economy slowly recovers from the Great Recession, the number of people leaving poverty should outnumber those entering poverty and poverty rates should fall."  Isabel Sawhill at Brookings.


The Democratic presidential advantage.  "Democrats begin each presidential contest with a significantly larger Electoral College base ... Republicans begin each presidential election with a base of 206 electoral votes, 51 fewer than do Democrats ... Even more important, our tally of each party’s base leaves only five states unaccounted for: Colorado (9 electoral votes), Nevada (6), Florida (29), Ohio (18), and Virginia (13)—the super-swing states. Unless the Republicans can somehow pry states away from the Democratic base, they must win all three of the large super-swings (Florida, Ohio, and Virginia), while Democrats can prevail by winning any one of them."  William Galston and Elaine Kamarck at Democracy.

Republicans are still favored to win in West Virginia, but things are looking better for the Dems.  "Democrats finally have a candidate in the Mountain State’s open Senate race: Secretary of State Natalie Tennant (D) will reportedly enter the contest Tuesday morning. Her entry ... gives Democrats a credible opponent for Rep. Shelley Moore Capito ... the likely Republican nominee. We are changing the rating in this race from Likely Republican to Leans Republican. With a successful statewide elected official now running, Democrats have kept the race on the competitive board, but it would still be a significant surprise if Republicans fumbled away one of their best pickup opportunities in the country." Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley at Sabato's Crystal Ball.

Good news for Dems in North Carolina.  "North Carolina's GOP Senate field could hurt Republicans’ chances to knock off Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), pushing the candidates to the right and forcing them to use resources better saved for the general election ... The growing field could give Republicans headaches by forcing the mostly unknown candidates to spend money early instead of saving it for Hagan, whose seat is viewed as the tipping point for GOP Senate control. The party needs to pick up a net of six seats to win the majority."  Cameron Joseph at the Hill.

Energy and the Environment

The EPA and the coal industry prepare for all-out war.  "Following up on President Obama’s pledge in June to address climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency plans next week to propose the first-ever limits on greenhouse gas emissions from newly built power plants. But even before the proposal becomes public, experts on both sides of the issue say it faces a lobbying donnybrook and an all-but-certain court challenge. For a vast and politically powerful swath of the utility industry — operators of coal-fired plants, and the coal fields that supply them — there are fears that the rules would effectively doom construction of new coal plants far into the future."  Michael Wines at the New York Times.

In defense of pandas.  "Well, panda haters, watch out. Pandas are about to do something, and it's not just eating bamboo. And it's possible it might be prove to be of economic value? A team of scientists have begun studying whether certain microbes in panda feces might be the key to a more efficient way to produce biofuels. And it all has to do with panda's dietary decisions: All bamboo, all the time."  Sarah Kliff at Wonkblog.

Fiscal Fights

Next level fiscal maneuver or next level blunder?  "A debt ceiling vote is creeping its way into the government funding fight. The House Republican leadership, facing rank-and-file GOP lawmakers skeptical that the party is willing to defund or delay Obamacare, is weighing ways to tie an increase in the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling to a government funding bill, which must be enacted before Oct. 1, according to several leadership aides involved in the discussions."  Jake Sherman and John Breshanan at Politico.

Republicans go after food stamps - new day, same old playbook.  "House Republicans are planning to vote soon on a bill that could push millions of people off food-aid programs that have expanded since the economic downturn, potentially burdening charities that help feed the hungry. The $40 billion in cuts to nutrition programs over 10 years included in the bill would be a 5.2 percent reduction from what the Congressional Budget Office estimates would be spent under current policy ... The food-assistance bill would end benefits to as many as 6 million low-income people, according to an August report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities."  Derek Wallbank at the Washington Post.

Except this fight is ... quite a bit larger than the last time.  "Democrats look at the food-stamp program and see an essential piece of a fraying safety net. Republicans see entitlement spending gone wild. This fierce debate is to be joined soon in the House, where Republicans plan to take up a mean-spirited measure that would cut spending on the program by a whopping $40 billion over the next decade — twice the original House proposal and 10 times the trims envisioned by the Senate."  Ruth Marcus at the Washington Post.

In defense of state-run welfare / why Christian libertarians are wrong. "Because the state separates giver from receiver, it prevents ... prejudice and exclusion based on doctrinal disagreements (e.g. LGBT issues, religious differences) ... By lowering a veil between the payer and the paid, our good will to provide for the poor is stripped of any ill we might wish them if we knew who they were, or vice versa ... And when the state taxes, it does so with sensitivity to where wealth is concentrated ... which is a step toward avoiding the problem of relegating the poorest communities to paradoxically spare more for their own members."  Elizabeth Stoker.

Foreign Policy

The Syria story.  "This account of an extraordinary 24 days in international diplomacy ... is based on more than two dozen interviews with senior White House, State Department, Pentagon and congressional officials and many of their counterparts in Europe and the Middle East ... Through mixed messages, miscalculations and an 11th-hour break, the U.S. stumbled into an international crisis and then stumbled out of it. A president who made a goal of reducing the U.S.'s role as global cop lurched from the brink of launching strikes to seeking congressional approval to embracing a deal with his biggest international adversary on Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin."  Adam Entous, Janet Hook, and Carol E. Lee at the Wall Street Journal.

Sprinting towards a deal on Syria.  "The United States and Russia reached a sweeping agreement on Saturday that called for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014 and indefinitely stalled the prospect of American airstrikes ... 'This situation has no precedent,' said Amy E. Smithson, an expert on chemical weapons at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. 'They are cramming what would probably be five or six years’ worth of work into a period of several months, and they are undertaking this in an extremely difficult security environment due to the ongoing civil war.'"  Michael Gordon at the New York Times.

Humanitarian nightmare zone.  "Assad. Why is this agreement a victory for him? ... 1. So long as he doesn’t use chemical weapons on his people, he’ll be safe from armed Western intervention. Roughly 98 percent of the people who have died in the Syrian civil war so far have not been killed with chemical weapons, so obviously Assad and his regime have figured out ways to cause mass death in conventional ways. It’s safe to assume that he’ll increase the tempo of attacks on rebels and civilians, knowing now that he can do so with impunity. Obama won’t be outlining any further 'red lines,' it would seem."  Jeffrey Goldberg at Bloomberg.

The mess that is Syria policy - the public doesn't believe the diplomatic option will work, but they'll support it anyway.  "As U.S. and Russian diplomats reached an agreement over the weekend to dismantle Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, the public expresses support for a diplomatic approach to the crisis but is skeptical about its effectiveness. By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not."  The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.

We shouldn't be complacent about this - Syria doesn't exactly play by the rules.  "When it comes to weapons of mass destruction and international agreements, Syria has been a liar, a cheat, and a games player ... In just the last two years, the International Atomic Energy Association ... declared that Assad was in noncompliance with its agreements under ... the Safeguards Agreement ... to guarantee that countries are in compliance with their treaty obligations with regard to the manufacture and use of nuclear materials."  Kurt Eichenwald at Vanity Fair.


Gun battles continue in the states.  "High hopes have been tempered by a series of losses, most notably in April when the Senate defeated several measures to strengthen gun restrictions and then last week in Colorado, where two state senators who had backed stronger gun laws lost recall elections. The greatest successes of gun control supporters came in the form of sweeping new laws in a handful of Democratic-led states, including Maryland and New York, as well as in politically mixed Colorado ... Now those on both sides in the debate are raising money, developing new strategies and turning their focus to potential battles in at least half a dozen states."  Erica Goode at the New York Times.

The intensity gap is still an issue.  Embarrassing.  "The intensity gap is precisely the problem ... When respondents were asked if they’d refuse to vote for a candidate who disagreed with them on guns, those whose priority was to protect gun rights were more likely to say yes than those who thought it more important to control gun ownership. Even more significant, 12 percent of the gun-rights partisans said they had given money to groups on their side of the issue, compared with only 3 percent who believed in regulating gun ownership. The gun lobby has a large base. Those seeking more sensible gun laws still need to build one."  E.J. Dionne at the Washington Post.

The post-Newtown gun matched death tally: 8,334.  Chris Kirk and Dan Kois at Slate.

LGBT Rights

This is pretty disgraceful.  "The U.S. gay-rights movement has achieved many victories in recent years - on marriage, military service and other fronts. Yet one vestige of an earlier, more wary era remains firmly in place: the 30-year-old nationwide ban on blood donations by gay and bisexual men. Dating from the first years of the AIDS epidemic, the ban is a source of frustration to many gay activists, and also to many leading players in the nation's health and blood-supply community who have joined in calling for change."  David Crary at the Associated Press.

The Navy Yard Shooting

What we know about alleged shooter Aaron Alexis.  Richard Esposito, Micahel Isikoff, Hannah Rappleye, and Aliza Nadi at NBC.

"I told you so..."  "Six months ago, the admiral in charge of naval base security across the U.S. homeland said that funding cuts were reducing physical security inspections and emergency response times at naval bases ... The instruction noted that security forces and emergency crews at naval facilities in the Washington D.C. area, including Naval Support Activity Washington D.C., which includes Washington Navy Yard, 'will have slower response times because they will not be able to repair vehicles.' It added: 'Physical security and explosive safety programs will not be able to do inspection preparations,' the newspaper reported."  Robert Beckhusen at Medium.

Military facilities aren't as secure as you might think.  "Key details of the massacre at Washington's Navy Yard are just beginning to emerge, but the attack offers an unsettling reminder that many military facilities have soft underbellies when it comes to security ... At military posts like the sprawling Marine base in Quantico, Virginia, for instance, virtually anyone with one of the Common Access Cards (CAC) issued to troops, civilian Defense Department employees, and government contractors can enter the facility without being patted down or made to go through a metal detector."  Yochi Dreazen at Foreign Policy.

The single most useful thing Reddit has done during its useless existence.  "A section for finding the Navy Yard shooters on the popular online community reddit has been banned. The shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning left at least 12, including a gunman dead. But police say there may be another suspect at large, and they 'have reason to believe' this individual was involved in shootings. Reddit became a gathering place for amateur sleuthing in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing earlier this year, fueling what some reports called 'online witch hunts' that resulted in some people being falsely identified as the bomber."  Andrea Peterson at the Switch.

The State Department

The place to work if you want to improve your poll numbers.  "Long held in contempt by big chunks of the political cognoscenti, and exposed to ridicule during the last week for 'stumbling' into a Russian diplomatic initiative over Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry is actually bidding fair to become one of the federal government’s best-liked public servants, per a new Gallup survey ... Given Hillary Clinton’s robust approval ratings for most of her tenure as Kerry’s predecessor, it’s beginning to look like service as Secretary of State is a tonic for long-serving pols: see the world, burnish your approval ratings."  Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly.



10 winners and losers of the Syria deal.  Aaron David Miller at Foreign Policy.

Meet the obscure UN body that will decide Syria's fate.  "A diplomatic deal between the U.S. and Russia will hinge on whether an obscure body within the U.N. system says Syria is living up to its promises ... Syria has made itself subject to the authority of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) ... While OPCW’s trained chemical weapons inspectors will be doing the work on the ground to aid in removing the chemical agents and their precursors, they won’t be the ones to decide whether Syria is cooperating fully. Instead, that responsibility falls on the Executive Council, a 41-member panel that makes the political decisions of the organization."  Hayes Brown at Think Progress.


Africa vs. the ICC.  "Kenya is canvassing support for a possible walk-out by African states from the International Criminal Court, whose prosecution of elected Kenyan leaders has revived accusations ... that the court unfairly targets Africans. The start last week of the trial for crimes against humanity of Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto, with President Uhuru Kenyatta's trial due in November, has stirred a growing backlash against the Hague-based court from some African governments, which see it as a biased tool of Western powers. ICC prosecutors accuse Ruto and Kenyatta of fomenting ethnic bloodletting that killed about 1,200 people after a disputed election in December 2007."  Pascal Fletcher and Edmund Blair at Reuters.

Somalia - conflict and metaphors all around.  "Donors have pledged 1.8bn euros ... at a conference in Brussels to help Somalia end more than two decades of conflict. The money is part of a 'New Deal' for what is widely regarded as a failed state, officials said. Al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab dismissed the meeting as 'Belgian waffle'. Al-Shabab is fighting to oust Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's government, the first to be recognised by the US in more than 20 years. The group controls most of southern Somalia, but it has been driven out of the main cities and towns, including the capital Mogadishu, by an African Union (AU) force backing the government."  BBC.


Kaesong is back up and running.  "Hundreds of South Koreans resumed their cross-border morning commute into North Korea on Monday as a jointly run industrial park that closed after inter-Korean tensions flared earlier this year restarted some operations. The factories of more than 20 companies were scheduled to begin operations at the Kaesong Industrial Complex on Monday ... according to Seoul's Ministry of Unification, which handles inter-Korean affairs. North Korean staff also showed up for work, the ministry said. In April, the North withdrew all of its 53,000 workers from the plant, the first complete stoppage at the nine-year-old Kaesong complex."  Jeyup Kwaak at the Wall Street Journal.

Middle East

Meeting the Syrian opposition.  "Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands. The new study by IHS Jane's ... estimates there are around 10,000 jihadists ... fighting for powerful factions linked to al-Qaeda. Another 30,000 to 35,000 are hardline Islamists who ... are focused purely on the Syrian war rather than a wider international struggle. There are also at least a further 30,000 moderates belonging to groups that have an Islamic character, meaning only a small minority of the rebels are linked to secular or purely nationalist groups."  Ben Farmer and Ruth Sherlock at the Telegraph.

For chemical weapons inspectors, Syria is a whole new ballgame.  "The job of an international chemical weapons inspector is one of the most dangerous in the world. Inspectors have to seek out some of the most poisonous substances known to mankind and dismantle bombs filled with deadly nerve gas. So it is remarkable that, after more than two decades ... not a single inspector has been killed. But Syria presents a new kind of challenge ... The inspectors could soon be embarking on a task that has never been attempted: disarming a country of its weapons of mass destruction in the midst of a war."  Julian Borger and Ian Sample at the Guardian.

Turkey still has Syria problems.  "Turkey said its warplanes shot down a Syrian helicopter on Monday after it crossed into Turkish airspace and the government warned it had taken all necessary measures to defend itself against any further such violations. Turkey scrambled two F-16 jets along the border between its southern Hatay province and Syria after warning the Mi-17 helicopter it was approaching Turkish airspace ... Syria called the reaction 'hasty' and accused Turkey of trying to escalate tensions along the border."  Saif Tawfiq at Reuters.

Bets on whether this happens?  "Iran’s hunt for its next animal astronaut may turn to the distinctive and locally named Persian cat, an official said Monday, in another possible step by the country’s ambitious aerospace program that has also raised Western concerns about spillover military applications. The report by the official IRNA news agency comes seven months after Iran claimed it launched a monkey out of earth’s atmosphere and successfully returned it home. The account, however, faced international questions after photos appeared to show different monkeys in pre- and post-launch images."  Associated Press.

South America

I've seen a lot of trends, but this one is real bad.  "In Venezuela, 17 women have died in the past 12 months as a result of liquid silicone buttock injections. The procedure, which ... an estimated 30 percent of Venezuelan women aged 18 to 50 have undergone, attempts to achieve a figure thought to be more attractive ... The death toll resulting from these injections has risen since they became widely available in 2008 ... Despite being illegal in Venezuela ... the country’s Association of Cosmetic Surgeons estimates that 2,000 women every month are receiving injections of this biopolymer, either at home or illegally at unlicensed businesses."  Alasdair Baverstock at the Atlantic.


The downfall of Elizabeth O'Bagy.  "Elizabeth O’Bagy, the Syria researcher at the center of a week-long controversy surrounding her academic credentials ... admitted for the first time ... she was never enrolled in a Ph.D. program despite representations she made to the press and multiple organizations for whom she worked. O’Bagy ... was fired from her job as the lead Syria researcher at the Institute for the Study of War on Sept. 10 after it was revealed that she misled her bosses by telling them she had completed a dissertation defense for a Georgetown Ph.D."  Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast.